Friday, May 30, 2014

Blueberry cheesecake stuffed strawberries with chocolate drizzle

It's getting on strawberry season here in South Eastern Ontario and strawberries are going on sale in every grocery store! So I figured why not give this delicious recipe a facelift? The recipe I based this on is here! But I decided to change it up a bit plus I always have leftover cheesecake because I don't cut out as much of the strawberry, that part is yummy too :) So here are my ingredients: 

Vanilla, confectioners sugar, cream cheese, strawberries and graham crumbs. 
I used 76% chocolate chips for the drizzle because that's what I had in the cupboard but as my boyfriend says, "milk chocolate is the best, you should use that next time," so I guess it's up to your personal preference. You could even use white chocolate but my personal taste is dark :) Oh no, where's the jam? Trust me, I used jam, mommy made blueberry jam!

So I started out by mixing the entire package of cream cheese with 1 teaspoon of vanilla with the beaters. Then I added 1 Tablespoon of blueberry jam. You can put more or less jam depending on how flavourful your jam is. Mine was pretty flavourful and not super sweet. If your jam is also sweet make sure you add the confectioners sugar a bit at a time and taste it so you don't over sweeten it! 

Once this mixture is ready to rock spoon it into a regular lunch bag:
You can do this now or later but you'll need to cut off the corner so you can pipe it. Before cutting the tip I recommend working the cream cheese because mine was still pretty cold and I busted a leak out the side that needed taping because I had to squeeze so hard :S Ooops! 

Next you're going to want to prepare your strawberries. Hold the knife at about a 45 degree angle and slice around the stem:

You'll notice as you cut that there's a bit of a hollow in the center of the strawberry, this is where your cheesecake will go:

Once the strawberries are ready pour some graham crumbs into a bowl for dipping after you've piped in the cheesecake:

Grab your lunch bag and fill those strawberries! Now they don't need to look all that pretty because you're just going to mash them into the graham crumbs which should flatten the tops nicely.

I always have leftovers so I just tape up the cut corner and toss it in the freezer. The filling is always handy to have on hand in case you need to whip up something to bring to a social event last minute!

Once you have all your strawberries filled and dipped you're ready to start the chocolate. 

There's about a quarter cup of chocolate here, not that I measured or skimped in any way, this is chocolate we're talking about here. Feel free to use more, worst case you have more to lick out of the bowl after you're done drizzling.  
I heated mine in the microwave, a double boiler or a metal mixing bowl over a pot with an inch of water would have worked perfectly as well. If you do it in the mic make sure you heat at intervals of 20 to 30 seconds, the sugar heats pretty quickly and the edges will burn while the center is still unheated if you let it go too long. After each interval mix it up, here's how mine looked after the first interval:

After the chocolate is melted take your spoon and drizzle it over your perfection!

And then of course devour it :) 
What other variations would you like? Would you like a healthier version? Keep an eye out because that's my next plan :D 

Ingredients in the raw:
1 pkg cream cheese
1 T blueberry jam
1 t vanilla
1/4 c confectioners sugar
1 pint strawberries
1/4 c dark chocolate

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