Thursday, August 21, 2014

Home Made Mitt Clips

I kindof stumbled onto my latest project:

Recently it was my Mother-out-laws birthday and I was stumped. I've bought the out-laws many gifts in the past that go unused so I find it difficult to pin down exactly what to get them.

I decided to cheat a little this year and look back at my mother-out-laws Christmas wish list and tried to see what she was still missing. She had: a sweater, work shirts, sun hat, mittens (cheap ones because she says she loses them all the time), logic puzzles and restaurant gift cards. She had gotten most of the things on her list at Christmas except the logic puzzles, so yay that's one thing down.

Budget, I strive to spend the same amount on everyone that's relatively close to me except my boyfriend, he's special ;) The logic puzzle book I found was roughly a quarter of my budget so I thought to myself what else can I do?

I thought of a solution to her losing mitts dilemma, MITT CLIPS!!! I feverishly searched the internet and found several mitt clips all ranging around the ten dollar mark plus shipping but they looked like they were designed for a 5 yo. She would not like that.

I thought I could just get the clips at Fabricland and elastic and fabric and make my own. Two clips came to 4.20$ each, I'd need 4 clips for one set, plus the elastic was going to be another 4$. 12$ for one set... I thought to myself "these clips are identical to the clips on my sheet retainers"
and went straight to Walmart. I picked up a set of sheet retainers which gave me enough clips to make two sets for 10$ and it includes the elastic. I figured I had material already and trekked home with my newfound supplies :)

My clips

The clips were a little long so I trimmed the length and cut off one of the clips:
Cutting off the one clips

Then cut in half

From there I cut two rectangles of like colour that would be big enough to wrap around the elastic plus the seam allowance (about quarter inch) and the length of the original elastic plus the same seam allowance. Using the original length gives me some fabric to make it look gathered and so my fabric doesn't limit the stretch of the elastic. 

Measuring the rectangle
From here I cut the rectangle and sewed under the short ends:
Then with wrong sides together I sewed the long ends together:
Then flipped it right side out:
I then slipped the tube onto the elastic and sewed the other clip back on. I also tacked down the ends to the elastic so they didn't slip around:

Repeat the above to make a pair. I made a pair with some plaid I had leftover from my sweater project :) 

VOILA! A complete set of two mitt clips :D 

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