I remember way back to my elementary school gym teacher who told me "it takes 3 weeks to make a good habit and only a week to break it!" This is a little devastating because when I think of vacations I think of at least a week so in a week I could undo all my efforts. But I guess this is the point. I'm not supposed to be on good behaviour, I'm supposed to always eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. Which means I'm allowed ice cream. And potato chips.
Anyways, I got a little off topic thinking about the poutine flavoured potato chips I left behind on the kitchen counter this morning when I left. At the time I wasn't hungry and consciously knew I would not get hungry for several hours after the fabulous smoothies I made Alex and I this morning. I'm regretting it now but not because I'm actually hungry. It's a craving. Which is not real hunger.
Back on track (I think I have EDD - Engineers Deficit Disorder, like ADD but it's untreatable because being an engineer is so awesome!) So I need to break my habits, but how do I do that? A quick google search brought me to this: 3 Easy Steps to Breaking Bad Habits. For the record I don't think knuckle cracking is a bad habit.
A quick summary though:
- make it conscious,
- put it in writing so it really sinks in, and
- bait and switch.
I like steps and tangible things I can do. I also like a schedule so I'm going to draw on a challenge I saw on Pinterest not too long ago called How To Become A Mindful Eater In 10 Days, it was a mindful eating challenge. I see a lot of parallels between this challenge and the Thin Womans Brain steps for mindful eating, which reinforces my faith in it! I also saw something similar on Psychology Today so booya!
I call it a challenge because I tend to be more motivated when it's a challenge, and hopefully not demotivated afterwards. I also want to stretch it out a bit, so basically I want to spend three weeks on not over eating and three weeks focusing on not eating when I'm not hungry. I want to do it in this order because I can spend the first three weeks not actively thinking about but taking into account not eating when I'm not hungry while primarily focusing on over eating. So taking from the challenge the steps in a slower drawn out process that I hope will have more lasting results. I will spend roughly 3 days on each step:
Now I'm cheating a little here because I've been thinking about why I feel like eating when I'm not hungry and been aware of when I'm over eating and in general trying to curb my behaviour. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on until last night was that when I don't overeat I feel like I'm missing something. It's unreal to think that I'm so dependent on the feeling of being over full, which in reality doesn't feel good.
So over the next three weeks I'm focusing on curbing over eating! I will not feel like I'm going to pop from dinner. I will not feel indigestion because I ate too much of something greasy. I will stop and think and feel.
Will you join me in eating only what you need for the next 3 weeks?